The Legal Help You Need To Resolve A Property Dispute
For over 14 years, I have represented property owners and realtors that are involved in disputes with neighbors, previous owners, other realtors and other parties. The need for real estate litigation and help from an attorney generally arises when the sale of a property goes wrong, the ownership of the real property is questioned or there are questions about clear title to the land. At the Law Offices of Steven D. Janel, I provide comprehensive help to property owners and others involved in property disputes. I seek the best possible and fairest outcome on behalf of each client. I strive to find efficient resolutions that protect their investment in the property.
Are you involved in a property dispute with a neighbor, previous owner, realtor or another party? Call my firm today at 609-745-0295 to schedule your free consultation. You can also fill out a contact form, and I will be in touch with you soon.
Seeking Efficient And Effective Resolution To Your Property Dispute
Prior to attending law school, I worked in the new home construction industry. While in the construction industry, I gained valuable knowledge about real property and the various matters that property owners encounter. For most people, real property is one of their most significant assets and investments. When a property dispute arises, a large amount of money is often at stake. Property owners throughout New Jersey and southeastern Pennsylvania feel confident choosing the Law Offices of Steven D. Janel to protect their rights in matters that include the following:
- Ownership of real property
- Easements and property line disputes
- Adverse possession
- Sale agreements
- Clear title
- Breach of contract
- Construction defects
In many of these cases, injunctions may be required. Injunctions can put a halt to certain behaviors and provide my clients with immediate relief.
Schedule Your Free Consultation Today
Are you involved in a property dispute? Call me today at 609-745-0295 to schedule your free consultation. You can also send my firm an email with any questions or concerns, or to schedule your first appointment.